Ancient History Enigma Of The Etruscans 2015

We either learn from history or we are doomed to repeat it. The wise not only pay attention to world history, but the experiences (history) of others in order to avoid making mistakes. History is experience with theory and practice. It cuts to the chase. Looking back on our own individual history gives us better savvy to face what lies ahead. Experience brings us to know in a very personal and definitive way what works and what does not. No one would say that if they could take their history with them and live life over that they would not be able to do a better job of it. We can’t do that but we could listen to those who have lived more life than us and take their life wisdom to guide our own. But no. We think we know better, don’t listen, prefer to talk and insist on making our own mistakes and suffering our own bruises. Society as a whole does the same thing. The history of the world is experience in storybook form. We can read it for entertainment or we can learn from it and save ourselves from repeating the same mistakes over and over.
Ancient History Enigma Of The Etruscans 2015 Ancient History Enigma Of The Etruscans 2015 Reviewed by Fokary on 9:19 PM Rating: 5

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